
Our quest to make peace with horticulture

About Me – Lisa

Hi! I’m Lisa, co-creator of Maybegreensomeday.  My niece and I are both fans of all things growing.

I personally can easily be sidetracked when walking in the woods, in the neighborhood  or even just down a city street by an interesting plant.

However, I have much more talent for planting things and then watching them die than for actually growing anything.  Unfortunately for plants everywhere that hasn’t yet put a damper on my enthusiasm for trying.

My goal is to be impressed by my OWN plants someday in addition to everyone else’s! I want to have a vegetable garden that grows things I can eat, a pretty back yard where a person would actually want to be, and maybe even a front yard with more grass than weeks in it.  A tall order, to be sure.

What’s stopping me?  Three dogs which are happy to simply run over anything I plant, and then probably eat it.  Also, an almost super-hero ability to forget things.  I can easily plant several rose bushes and then forget to water them for two weeks.

That’s where Kaili and this blog come in! Someone to kick me when I forget to water or trim or whatever you do to make things grow plus a bit of accountability (beyond our lovely homeowner’s association) are just what I need. all that PLUS the wealth of information on the web and here we go, I’ll be an expert gardener in no time!

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